Tag Archives: Material

Balmy and Beautiful

28 Dec

Hello Glamourites,

I know for me I always want to be stylishly dressed whenever I leave the house but that can be difficult during the winter months when the temperature drops. I’ve compiled some outfit ideas that you can take inspiration from to keep warm and still look fashionable! It’s been a fairly warm Christmas where I have been but I have a feeling after New Years we’ll be in for some cold days ahead…I’m definitely not looking forward to that. Personally I wish it was summer all year, guess I gotta move to Hawaii if I ever hope to get that. Hope you all are having a fun and relaxing holiday xx Glamour Planner

A sweater such as this, made of wool or polyester is the best type of fabric to go with for winter as it keeps the moisture out and the warm air in. You may assume cotton is another smart choice to go with, think again, it is an extremely absorbent material and will soak up all the moisture around you. Pick a unique colour as it will stand out and add some personality to an otherwise typical grandma sweater. balmy_sweater

LAYERS. One of the most efficient ways to dress I find. With my temperature issues, too cold when outside and overheating once inside it is easy to shed a layer or two depending on how hot/cold it is. Plus you can mix and match all sorts of colours and patterns making for an exciting outfit!


Purchasing a signature winter coat can be all you need to spice up an outfit if you are out walking the streets running errands. A colour like this plum burgundy is a beautiful shade for the dull days of winter.


A fur vest of any type is an excellent addition to an outfit as it creates an instant elegance that is effortless and keeps your core body warm and cozy through the day!


My ABSOLUTE favourite winter accessory/secret is scarfs. I have a huge plaid scarf with about 5 different colours that goes with anything and everything I’m wearing and when I open it up it’s as large as a blanket. Having that around my neck it just about doesn’t matter what else I have on I will be sure to be toasty warm!


Focus In

2 Sep

Hello Glamourites!

Well the time has officially come….school starts again tomorrow! Which is why I have been very bad with any new posts the last little while, as I have been getting organized and packed. I’m still very unsure whether to be excited or dreading going back, I am excited for new school supplies, is that sad? Anyways back on topic, as my current theme is to be focused in on school and my studies I thought these design inspiration pics were well done as they focused in on a specific object or place of the room. Very helpful if you are waiting to showcase a art piece or part of architecture.

Hope the start to your September hasn’t been too difficult xx Glamour Planner

This wall feature is completely eye-catching and it adds texture to the space with minimal other materials. ddc91315a13e407954e5325bea09f60b

Wanting to highlight the bed but without a headboard or fancy bed frame this indented wall art does the trick. e2d9238154619a241fd5ffb0f0f5e370Using the grand chandelier creates that focus to the centre of the room drawing it away from the wall detailing.
fc05f7e41b9b9e170dd14a19fefa1df9Because of the very linear and long shape of this fireplace it cannot be ignored and centres you into the space.