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Make Easter Easy!

3 Apr

Hello Glamourites,

I hope everyone has been enjoying the first two weeks of spring and been getting some warmer weather to enjoy. I have found some great Easter inspiration for baking and decorating ideas that are very quick to do with little cost. I hope everyone has a wonderful long weekend! Happy Easter xx Glamour Planner

I love this bunny butt sugar cookie idea, it’s as easy as making different shaped ovals and adding icing!Easter

If you are hosting an Easter dinner or brunch you can get creative with your place cards and add them to cute mini easter baskets like these with some chocolate eggs.


For a centrepiece take two sizes of vases and between the two add easter eggs, jellybeans, chocolate eggs or anything colourful  to add to the easter theme!


Another easy dessert or snack to try is making rice krispie treats but in the form of a carrot then covering them with icing or a candy orange glaze. Thanks to Frugal Coupon Living for the idea!


Adding a simple tulip to your guests plate makes a world of a difference and makes them feel special!


Grad some old birthday confetti and shape it into a nest and put an egg in the middle, voila, instant table decor done!


Lucky St. Patrick

16 Mar

Hello Glamourites,

I thought I would help you get through the Monday blues today by giving you some fun ideas you can put to use tomorrow for St. Patrick’s Day! I know it’s a Tuesday tomorrow but you can still have some fun by dressing in all green or bake green food to make the day special. Bring some special treats to work or have some friends over for some Shamrock punch and gold chocolate! Check out the pictures for details…

xx Glamour Planner

How cleaver is this dessert – you use a cookie for the base then add a marshmallow and dip it all in chocolate! Check out The Cake Blog for original directions. 

Start your St. Patrick’s Day off right with a Shamrock Spinach Quiche, mmmmLuckyStPat7

Make easy guest gifts or decorations by putting gold covered chocolate in a jar!


For your party punch put Lime Ice Cream in a bowl and pour Ginger Ale over for a delicious drink ~ you can customize with other sodas or include alcohol.


A simple dessert is buying mint Oreos, covering them in melted chocolate with a green icing drizzle over. Thanks Vanessa for the idea!


Happy St. Patrick’s Day!



Party Touchdown

23 Jan

Hello Glamourites,

I will be the first to admit that I am not the biggest football fan, not even a mediocre one but I will take any excuse to throw a party! Having a get together can be as easy as putting some chips and dip out or pulling out the fancy china…I’d say no fine china for the Superbowl Feb 1st… I found some fun decor ideas and snacks that are easy to throw together and will add that extra excitement on the big game day! Remember to start prepping now, it’ll make for no stress on the actual day and a greater chance of everything going smoothly.

xx Glamour Planner

Make these delicious chocolate cupcakes by using an pastry bag with a thin tip to draw the white lines, these desserts are winning!sperbowl4

An easy and DIY project is taking mason jars and adding white duck tape to the side for a perfect game day glass of soda….or beer! superbowl

Transform your table in minutes with green construction paper (or any green material) and white duck tape to make the yard lines. SONY DSC

Drag that old chalkboard from the basement and add it to the table for display, write your winning team or fun motto like “ready, set, eat”!


Make grilled cheese sandwiches with rye bread for the dark colouring and little mayonnaise for the white lines. You can never go wrong with this classic sandwich, it’s a score all round!


And finally, something as simple as making a funny joke with buying yellow napkins with a sign for “penalty flags”.superbowl6


4 May

Hello Glamourites,

Sorry for being very MIA the last month but it was the final countdown of school before summer vacation which meant there was lots of work and presentations to be done. Luckily I am all finished now and I have much more free time for hobbies, friends and having fun! I thought it would be appropriate to then write this post on party inspiration and decorations. Confetti is fun, colourful and easy to use in many ways for any type of party. Some people associate it with children’s parties but I have found some ideas of how you can use it in new creative ways! xx Glamour Planner


Taking strips of tissue paper or anything that is colourful and tying to a rope you can hang this for party decor around the room. It is easy to customize making the colour match your particular theme.  confettistring

Glue confetti or glitter to the exterior of balloons to make for a touch of sparkle. confettiballoon2

Using clear balloons and filling the inside with whatever you have around the house, buttons, paper scraps, glitter, sequins, ect makes for an exciting illusion. confettiballoon

Another use for confetti is to decorate your glasses or dishes to surprise your guests! confettiwine

Simply Red

31 Mar

Hello Glamourites!

Some days it’s nice to try something new, even if it’s a new lipstick, different type of hair product or whatever! Here is an extremely simple recipe for a little afternoon snack or dinner appy you can easily whip up. This can be made for two people or alter the amount and can be a perfect party tasters. Hope you enjoy and let me know any delicious quick snacks you like xx Glamour Planner

Baked Parmesan Tomatoes



2 Medium Tomatoes
1/3 Cup Freshly Grated Parmesan
Fresh Oregano
Pinch of Salt
Freshly ground Pepper
Olive Oil
Preheat the oven to 450 F (230 C).

Cut the tomatoes lengthwise into approximately 1/3-inch (1 cm) slices. Place them on a baking sheet. Top with Parmesan, oregano, salt and pepper (season according to your taste). Drizzle with some olive oil and bake until tomatoes are tender and the cheese is melted, for about 10-15 minutes.




Wedding Watch

14 Mar

Hello Glamourites,

My girly guilty pleasure has come out again in looking at wedding inspiration pictures and trends and looking at what is upcoming for the season. I am going to be sharing with you the 2014 colour trends by Vera Wang! Along with each colour palette I have chosen various aspects and unique pieces you can easily find or make for your wedding. Check out the arrangements below and let me know if you have a favourite xx Glamour Planner

1. Regal Metallics


Gold and silver are perfectly sparkly and are making a statement this year in the design world. As for weddings this colour palette works extremely well for chair covers, table decor and much more! WTrendsinvitations2



2. Pale Pink


Any shade of pink works in your wedding and will always be a classic colour trend. Depending on the combination it can be made sweet and girly, fun and colourful or whichever style you’re heading in.



3. Touch of Teal


This colour may be for the more modern colour as it is fashion-forward! It adds an element of surprise and feeling of fresh to all your guests in the accessories and decor.



Refreshing Rose

3 Feb

Hi Glamourites!

I hope everyone is having an enjoyable and easy Monday! Now that February is here I’m all aboard the Pink/Red/Valentine’s theme train. I have been keeping my eyes open for tasty and pretty looking drinks and food for upcoming Valentine’s Day parties or dinners. This is a drink recipe I saw that looks incredibly refreshing and cheery for any day this month. You don’t need to spend a lot of money on alcohol for this one so give it a try and let me know your thoughts  xx Glamour Planner


  • ¼ cup tequila
  • ¼ cup club soda
  • ¼ cup fresh grapefruit juice
  • 1 tbsp fresh lime juice
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • Small plate with sugar
  • Grapefruit wedge
  1. Sprinkle sugar on a small plate, cut grapefruit in half, rubbing outer edge of cocktail glass on grapefruit to wet, rub rim of glass in sugar.
  2. In your cocktail glass combine grapefruit juice, lime juice, and sugar, mixing until sugar dissolves.
  3. Add tequila, club soda, and ice.
  4. Garnish with a wedge of grapefruit and enjoy!

DELICIOUS HEELS~ DeliciousHeelsRose

Drink up! rosedrink

V Day Countdown

31 Jan

Hello Glamourites,

I can’t believe it’s the last day of January today! It feels like just last week we were celebrating the Christmas holidays and only yesterday that school started. Before you know it Valentine’s Day will be here! Which means now is the time to start planning and sending out invitations for your V-day Party. Valentine’s Day is one of my favourite “holidays” – besides showing your family, friends and loved ones how much you care about them, you have an excuse to eat chocolate all day! Anytime I am able to have a themed dinner or party I jump on it. Make it fun and add some special décor; people get that much more excited when they see the effort you’ve put into creating a special ambiance. Hope you get some inspiration for your Valentines plans xx Glamour Planner

When setting your table it doesn’t have to be anything difficult; it can be as simple as putting some streamers down as shown below. vdaypartytable2Glitter up your beverage station with putting some sparkles on your champagne bottles.


Easy decorations to add some festive love around you house, cut out hearts from paper or fabric and attach to red string and hang around! vdaypartydecor

Cute signs for your food and treats add to the visual display. 

If dinner isn’t your thing than a simpler option is hosting a brunch. Breakfast items are much easier to prepare or simply buy them from the store. These adorable little yogurt parfaits are very easy and look festive! vdaypartyparfaits

Placing little signs or facts on the table, goody bags or {like this} on water bottles. Love facts: Love 100% Hugs 100% Kisses 100% Cuddles 100% Happiness 100% ❤

Holiday DECOR

19 Dec

Hi Glamouirtes!

Hope everyone is getting prepared for Christmas…now only 6 days away!! Here are some of my favourite holiday decorating inspirations to add some festive cheer to your house. Transforming your home with those cozy touches completes Christmas for me; it brings joy and some sparkle and you can’t help but just smile! Let me know what some of your decor traditions are this time of year  xx Glamour Planner

Poinsettias, poinsettias, poinsettias! The most festive and bright floral plant can create an instantly more dramatic entrance way. These seasonal plants can also been placed around the house for a pop of colour.holidaydecor2

Christmas bulbs are not just for the tree….you can use a thick white string and hang them from your ceiling or chandelier or, as shown here, hang them from in clusters using ribbon. holidaydecor4

Garland or fresh leaf branches from the outdoors make a beautiful display on your mantle, counter, or as part of a table centrepiece. Grab some pine cones, berries or interesting things you may find to add colour and a festive flair.
Taking a wreath {doesn’t necessarily have to be red} add a leather belt or fabric around for a look-a-like Santa belt! Cute for a front door entrance.

A fun and easy way to create centrepieces or decorations is by putting bulbs, beads, cranberries, or any other objects into a vase!holidaydecor6

Another vase centrepiece example – a gold/silver theme. holidaydecor5

Pumpkin Season

9 Oct

Hello Galmourites,

Now almost being the middle of October we know that pumpkin time is just around the corner….aka HALLOWEEN. Okay so I have to admit I’m actually not a huge Halloween fan but I LOVE Christmas and I know that once Halloween has past we are very close to the winter holidays! None-the-less I still enjoy the festivities such as pumpkin carving. Every year I want to try a new innovative design but always go back to the classic knife cutting technique. Here are some examples of pumpkin designs you can try out this year using different materials. xx Glamour Planner

This is a great use for all those spare buttons your collect over the year. Glue them to the pumpkin to make a word or design.  pumpkinbuttons

Painting your pumpkin is fun as you can create your own theme with what colours you use or patterns. pumpkinblackandwhite

This is one idea I do want to try this year, take any type of patterned lace or pantyhose and wrap the pumpkin. pumpkinlace

For last minute pumpkin decorating take metallic decals or stickers and place on the pumpkin.

If you are displaying several pumpkins, place mini lights or candles inside to line your walkway or porch for a pretty effect.