Tag Archives: Decorating

Make Easter Easy!

3 Apr

Hello Glamourites,

I hope everyone has been enjoying the first two weeks of spring and been getting some warmer weather to enjoy. I have found some great Easter inspiration for baking and decorating ideas that are very quick to do with little cost. I hope everyone has a wonderful long weekend! Happy Easter xx Glamour Planner

I love this bunny butt sugar cookie idea, it’s as easy as making different shaped ovals and adding icing!Easter

If you are hosting an Easter dinner or brunch you can get creative with your place cards and add them to cute mini easter baskets like these with some chocolate eggs.


For a centrepiece take two sizes of vases and between the two add easter eggs, jellybeans, chocolate eggs or anything colourful  to add to the easter theme!


Another easy dessert or snack to try is making rice krispie treats but in the form of a carrot then covering them with icing or a candy orange glaze. Thanks to Frugal Coupon Living for the idea!


Adding a simple tulip to your guests plate makes a world of a difference and makes them feel special!


Grad some old birthday confetti and shape it into a nest and put an egg in the middle, voila, instant table decor done!



17 Dec

Hello Glamourites!

First, a big apology for my delay and absence in posting anything the last little while, I was completely taken over by school recently with final projects and exams. It is now Christmas holidays and I will finally have time to relax and spend more time on the blog! Here are a few topics I will be touching on this week to prep for Christmas and this festive season.     xx Glamour Planner

Baking! It’s not the holidays unless you have sugary, sweet, tasty treats to snack on. These Gingerbread doughnuts are ones I will be trying shortly. More recipe suggestions to come!

Hope everyone has either got or is in the process of getting their tree up! There are so many unique decorating ideas I will have to touch on. winterprep4

Modern gift wrapping for a new look under the tree this year!winterprep3

And for personal fashion, there are so many fun techniques and looks you can pull off during this time of the year….and my special favourite – glitter!winterprep

Lastly, remember to take some time to relax with family and cozy up with a great book!winterprep5

Pumpkin Season

9 Oct

Hello Galmourites,

Now almost being the middle of October we know that pumpkin time is just around the corner….aka HALLOWEEN. Okay so I have to admit I’m actually not a huge Halloween fan but I LOVE Christmas and I know that once Halloween has past we are very close to the winter holidays! None-the-less I still enjoy the festivities such as pumpkin carving. Every year I want to try a new innovative design but always go back to the classic knife cutting technique. Here are some examples of pumpkin designs you can try out this year using different materials. xx Glamour Planner

This is a great use for all those spare buttons your collect over the year. Glue them to the pumpkin to make a word or design.  pumpkinbuttons

Painting your pumpkin is fun as you can create your own theme with what colours you use or patterns. pumpkinblackandwhite

This is one idea I do want to try this year, take any type of patterned lace or pantyhose and wrap the pumpkin. pumpkinlace

For last minute pumpkin decorating take metallic decals or stickers and place on the pumpkin.

If you are displaying several pumpkins, place mini lights or candles inside to line your walkway or porch for a pretty effect.


5 Sep

Hello Glamourites,

Balloons should be at every party whether it’s a kids party or a party for adults. It seems that we’ve always thought that balloons are only to be used for those under the age of 16 and after that other sophisticated decorating techniques are necessary.  Think again! Let’s tweak those balloons and make them  classy and appropriate for older gatherings. It is one of the easiest, quickest and most reasonably priced decor that you can use. Here are some innovative ideas to change up the every day balloon for your next event! xx Glamour Planner

This vintage look for the balloons is as simple as buying some tulle fabric and wrapping it up and finishing it off with any clasp or tie you choose.

Why not make the ceiling more eye catching by filling the entire space with balloons according to your party colours or just stick with neutral white. This creates an instant party feel.

Fill your balloons before you blow them up with confetti to create a fun colourful design. af548e60c30005be620d05e18739a290

For some outdoor or driveway decor create a special atmosphere by pinning the balloon strings down with golf tees or clips in the lawn. ac47715c4cff490fbf1c0e0d1fd8d856

Spice up simple floating balloons by attaching streamers or pompoms.