Tag Archives: Metallic

Wedding Watch

14 Mar

Hello Glamourites,

My girly guilty pleasure has come out again in looking at wedding inspiration pictures and trends and looking at what is upcoming for the season. I am going to be sharing with you the 2014 colour trends by Vera Wang! Along with each colour palette I have chosen various aspects and unique pieces you can easily find or make for your wedding. Check out the arrangements below and let me know if you have a favourite xx Glamour Planner

1. Regal Metallics


Gold and silver are perfectly sparkly and are making a statement this year in the design world. As for weddings this colour palette works extremely well for chair covers, table decor and much more! WTrendsinvitations2



2. Pale Pink


Any shade of pink works in your wedding and will always be a classic colour trend. Depending on the combination it can be made sweet and girly, fun and colourful or whichever style you’re heading in.



3. Touch of Teal


This colour may be for the more modern colour as it is fashion-forward! It adds an element of surprise and feeling of fresh to all your guests in the accessories and decor.



Pumpkin Season

9 Oct

Hello Galmourites,

Now almost being the middle of October we know that pumpkin time is just around the corner….aka HALLOWEEN. Okay so I have to admit I’m actually not a huge Halloween fan but I LOVE Christmas and I know that once Halloween has past we are very close to the winter holidays! None-the-less I still enjoy the festivities such as pumpkin carving. Every year I want to try a new innovative design but always go back to the classic knife cutting technique. Here are some examples of pumpkin designs you can try out this year using different materials. xx Glamour Planner

This is a great use for all those spare buttons your collect over the year. Glue them to the pumpkin to make a word or design.  pumpkinbuttons

Painting your pumpkin is fun as you can create your own theme with what colours you use or patterns. pumpkinblackandwhite

This is one idea I do want to try this year, take any type of patterned lace or pantyhose and wrap the pumpkin. pumpkinlace

For last minute pumpkin decorating take metallic decals or stickers and place on the pumpkin.

If you are displaying several pumpkins, place mini lights or candles inside to line your walkway or porch for a pretty effect.